Lee Manders, Treasurer, stated that we are at the halfway point in the fiscal year. Our results so far are good. We are tracking at or better than expected in most revenue categories with no surprises.

President Karen Friedman said that CBS has never addressed the area of Social Justice and that it is long overdue for the congregation to take it on. She explained the difference between social action (promoting wellness) and social justice (promoting a just society). Social justice is issue driven, not political. Karen strongly proposes that Social Justice is something we should adopt as one of our core values. Indiana is one of just five states with no hate crime law, which is a valid Social Justice matter to work towards. The Board will consider this as we discuss our core values.

Up to this point, CBS has never had a single, pulled-together, go-to resource with all five years of motions approved, policy decisions made, Board and committee minutes submitted, history of the congregation compiled, Bylaws, and other important documents. Colleen Delaney has volunteered to compile all of this information into an electronic database and to maintain it. The Board accepted her very generous offer.

The Board discussed who is responsible for life cycle gifts. We decided to maintain the current gift tradition; Brotherhood and Sisterhood will discuss whether they jointly want to do anything in addition to current congregation gifts.

Brotherhood is planning a March Madness-related CBS fundraiser. Details will come, but the Board approved Brotherhood’s creating rules and handling the fundraiser.

The relocation committee knows that the Egyptian Coptic church is building a new facility; it should be done by June. We are investigating the possibility of buying their current building but are awaiting a quote to determine feasibility. Before any deal goes through, we will hold a Friday service there so that our membership can see the property before the Board decides whether or not to pursue a deal.

A broker has been shouldered with seeking a building for us that would be a joint venture with the Hollis Adams Foundation. Barring that, we will seek our own location within the boundaries of 126th or Main St on the north, Keystone on the east, Michigan Rd or Township Line Rd on the west and 86th St on the south.

The Board is focusing on establishing core values for the synagogue and will discuss specific options at its next meeting on February 7, 2017.

Sarah Hann

CBS Recording Secretary