The rabbi’s D’var warned us as Jews to be always on the alert.  As learned from the history of Jews residing in foreign countries, others are good to us until they decide not to be.

The Finance Committee meets early next month. Members will discuss how moving to a larger space could affect our budget and what dues adjustments may be needed as a result.

The Board is considering a new CBS logo.

The Board discussed purchasing some silk ferns to use in our annual High Holy Day décor. It decided to let the Finance Committee handle the final decision.

CBS co-hosts one night of the Interfaith Hospitality Network four times a year at Second Presbyterian. Brotherhood will be funding two of those nights. We thank Rachel Nolan-Johnson for all her hard work with this amazing organization.

Becky Selig has turned reins of the Social Action Committee over to Isabel Atlas.

The Board discussed how to encourage our young students to continue with their education and whether attendance at Shabbat services should be required. Rabbi Halpern suggested we look into sending confirmation graduates to L’Taken, a special Jewish weekend retreat in Washington, D.C. where students meet with legislators and learn how to lobby government officials to effect change.

We will be paying more attention to security at this year’s High Holy Day services due to new JCC bomb threats. Rabbi read a note of support for the Jews from a group of local Muslim congregations.

Popsie’s Pantry is doing a Passover food drive with requested items on its website.

CBS and the Hollis Adams Foundation are looking for a location where they can share space.  They have a couple of options to explore.

The Jewish Demographic Survey begins after Passover. Organizers will produce a 900-page report and meet with congregations and others to discuss the results.

Six Shabbat large-print prayer books have been ordered and shipped, paid for by the Book of Remembrance Fund.

Brotherhood, Sisterhood, and the congregation will all give gifts to bar and bat mitzvah students at their services.

Sarah Hann

Recording Secretary