Treasurer Lee Manders reported that all monthly expenses are tracking as budgeted.

The Board voted to purchase large-print prayer books for Friday night services.

The Board reviewed the Committee Protocols.  President Karen Friedman reminded everyone that after three years, committee chairs should call for interest in someone else’s taking over the committee. If no one is interested, the committee chair may continue in that roll but should call for interest again every year. This is to avoid burnout in our amazing leaders and promote leadership within our community.

Our CBS Annual Membership Meeting has been scheduled for May 21 at 4 PM. Cindy Springer, as immediate past president, will lead the Nominating Committee for officers of the Board for the next fiscal year.

CBS has three bar and bat mitzvahs this year. Next year three more students will begin bar and bat mitzvah training, and three other students will begin confirmation classes.

Rabbi Halpern attended a class to learn how to deal with bomb threats, given the 41 threats made at JCCs across the country in the last month. He encourages everyone to be vigilant and to be aware of unusual changes in our surroundings.

The Relocation Committee is still looking into options for us to buy or rent, possibly in conjunction with the Hollis Adams Foundation (since our hours will not overlap).

The Leadership Training Program will begin Feb. 19.  It is a three-session course and will have 10 participants.

The Board continues to work on our mission statement and core values. It is very important that our mission really state our purpose and will help us promote who we are.

Rabbi Miles will speak to the Board to give advice about growing small congregations. Timing remains to be determined.

In response to people’s requests, the Board is working on details to offer some kind of event every Friday night to the congregation, especially when CBS does not hold Shabbat worship services.

Sarah Hann

Recording Secretary