Caring Community Circle

Our “Caring Community Circle” (CCC) has become an integral part of congregational life at CBS. It is activated when a congregant or family experiences a crisis, such as a death, a serious illness or, in some instances, when there is a special occasion, such as a birth or adoption.

It is structured in the form of a wheel, with our chairperson(s) at the center. Small subcommittees then operate as cogs in the wheel, spurred into action when their services are needed. Current CCC initiatives include coordinating efforts to support those who are ill, and sending cards for those in need or those who experience a loss. Helpers sign up to assist with tasks of interest to them.

Please take a moment to look at our circle and imagine how you could help a fellow congregant in a time of crisis.  At a time of need, remember that we are God’s hands and God’s heart.

Contact Us to learn more about how you can get involved.

caring community circle